Welcome to the Own Your Career Vision Board!
This guided journal will help you identify the next steps in your career by leveraging your personal career experience so far.
To begin, duplicate this page into your Notion account, and complete the steps as thoroughly as possible!
To duplicate the page, click the copy icon at the top right of the page. It looks like this:
The first step in crafting any vision is getting inspired by the world around you. The role of the following exercise is to help you collect insights and identify trends that may reveal potential long-term career paths for you.
- Find at least 3-4 people you admire/role models and complete the table below. The first one has been done for you as an example.
- Please answer the prompts with as much as detail as possible!
Name & Background | Why is this person on your list? Why are they a role model to you? | How would you describe the impact have they had on their industry? List 3 achievements for each | List 3 of their top skills | What are some of their personal traits and characteristics? | What are some challenges they faced? |
Now, let’s learn from what you just shared. Copy your table from above and paste it into the chatbot.
Our AI will synthesize your information and help you identity what you need to focus on.
Paste the summary provided by the AI in the green block below. You will need it for the next steps!
Here’s a bit about me and who I’m inspired by:
Now, let’s talk about you! Alignment is important when working on your career trajectory. Too often, we set goals that we’re not really motivated by simply because we feel it’s the “right” thing to do. What if you set goals based on what actually matters to you?
Pick 3 values from the list (or elsewhere), and write them below.
My top 3 career values are: __________
Now, let’s talk about where you see yourself in the next few years. Fill in the blanks below! The more descriptive you are in your responses, the better it will be for the AI to help you generate your plan.
My current career and goals:
I currently work as a ___________________________________.
I work in this role because ___________________________________.
But in the next 1-2 years, I see myself ___________________________________.
In 3-5 years, I actually see myself as ___________________________________.
I want to have a path that feels aligned to my core values.
And I anticipate the following obstacles: ___________________________________.
Copy all your responses from below. If you can’t see anything, click the toggle that says: “Toggle to view all your answers”
Once you’ve copied the text, click the button in the AI chatbot that says: “I’m ready to paste all my responses to get my vision board”
Toggle to view all your answers:
Congratulations! You now have a working plan for the next 4 years!
Time to get to work! You can do this! Remember to always keep your dreams and goals at the forefront of your activities to remind yourself of the direction you’re moving in.